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Gorgeous Summer Hanging Plants That Will Brighten Up Your Space

Gorgeous Summer Hanging Plants That Will Brighten Up Your Space

Summer is the perfect time to add some gorgeous hanging plants to your outdoor space. Hanging plants are a great way to add color, texture, and interest to your patio, deck, or balcony. They can also help to create a sense of privacy or define a space.

There are many different types of hanging plants to choose from, so you can find the perfect ones to suit your needs and style. Some popular choices for summer hanging plants include:

  • Petunias are a classic choice for hanging baskets. They come in a wide variety of colors, including red, pink, orange, yellow, and purple. Petunias are relatively easy to care for and will bloom all summer long. Image of Petunias hanging plant
  • Calibrachoa are also known as million bells. They are similar to petunias, but they have smaller flowers and more prolific blooms. Calibrachoa are a great choice for hanging baskets that get a lot of sun. Image of Calibrachoa hanging plant
  • Fuchsias are a beautiful and colorful choice for hanging baskets. They come in a variety of colors, including pink, red, purple, and white. Fuchsias are relatively easy to care for, but they do need some protection from the hot afternoon sun. Image of Fuchsias hanging plant
  • Geraniums are a popular choice for hanging baskets because they are so easy to care for. They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, orange, and white. Geraniums can tolerate a wide range of conditions, but they do best in full sun. Image of Geraniums hanging plant
  • Vinca are a great choice for hanging baskets that get some shade. They come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, and white. Vinca are relatively easy to care for and will bloom all summer long. Image of Vinca hanging plant
  • Asparagus fern is a versatile plant that can be grown in hanging baskets or in the ground. It has delicate, feathery foliage that adds a touch of elegance to any space. Asparagus fern is relatively easy to care for and will tolerate a variety of conditions. Image of Asparagus fern hanging plant
  • Wandering Jew is a fast-growing plant with bright green leaves and trailing stems. It is a great choice for hanging baskets that get a lot of sun. Wandering Jew is relatively easy to care for and will tolerate a variety of conditions. Image of Wandering Jew hanging plant

When choosing hanging plants for your summer garden, it is important to consider the amount of sunlight they will receive. Most hanging plants prefer full sun, but there are some that can tolerate partial shade. You should also consider the size of your hanging baskets. Some plants, such as petunias and calibrachoa, can grow quite large, so you will need a large basket to accommodate them.

Once you have chosen your hanging plants, it is important to plant them correctly. The best time to plant hanging plants is in the spring or early summer. When planting, be sure to fill the basket with a high-quality potting mix. Water the plants thoroughly and place them in a location that receives the desired amount of sunlight.

Hanging plants are a great way to add color, texture, and interest to your outdoor space. With so many different types of hanging plants to choose from, you can find the perfect ones to suit your needs and style.

Are you looking for some beautiful and colorful summer hanging plants to add some life to your home or garden? If so, you've come to the right place! Garden Wiki is a great resource for information on all things related to hanging plants, including:

  • Which plants are best for summer?
  • How to care for hanging plants
  • How to choose the right planter
  • Where to hang your plants

Garden Wiki also has a wide variety of beautiful hanging plants to choose from, so you're sure to find the perfect ones to suit your taste and needs.

FAQ of summer hanging plants

5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Summer Hanging Plants

1. What are some good summer hanging plants?

There are many great summer hanging plants to choose from, but some of the most popular include:

  • Petunias: Petunias are a classic summer hanging plant that come in a wide variety of colors. They are easy to care for and will bloom all summer long. Image of Petunias summer hanging plant
  • Begonias: Begonias are another popular choice for summer hanging plants. They come in both trailing and upright varieties, and they offer a variety of colors and leaf shapes. Image of Begonias summer hanging plant
  • Fuchsias: Fuchsias are a beautiful and colorful summer hanging plant. They are relatively easy to care for, but they do need some protection from the hot sun. Image of Fuchsias summer hanging plant
  • Verbenas: Verbenas are a great choice for summer hanging plants because they are drought-tolerant and easy to care for. They come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, purple, and white. Image of Verbenas summer hanging plant
  • Lobelias: Lobelias are a popular choice for summer hanging plants because they offer a beautiful display of blue, pink, or white flowers. They are also relatively easy to care for. Image of Lobelias summer hanging plant

2. How do I plant a summer hanging basket?

Planting a summer hanging basket is a relatively simple process. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Choose a basket that is the right size for the plants you want to use.
  2. Fill the basket with a good-quality potting mix.
  3. Plant the plants, spacing them evenly throughout the basket.
  4. Water the basket thoroughly.
  5. Hang the basket in a location that gets partial to full sun.

3. How do I care for summer hanging plants?

Summer hanging plants need regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. You should also fertilize them every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer. To prevent the plants from becoming rootbound, you should repot them every year in the spring.

4. What are some common problems with summer hanging plants?

Some of the most common problems with summer hanging plants include:

  • Overwatering: Overwatering is the most common cause of death for summer hanging plants. Make sure to only water the plants when the soil is dry to the touch.
  • Underwatering: Underwatering can also cause problems for summer hanging plants. If the leaves start to wilt, it's a sign that the plants need more water.
  • Pests and diseases: Summer hanging plants can be susceptible to pests and diseases, such as aphids, spider mites, and powdery mildew. If you see any signs of pests or diseases, treat them immediately.

5. Where can I buy summer hanging plants?

Summer hanging plants are available at most garden centers and nurseries. You can also find them online.

Image of summer hanging plants

  • Petunias: Petunias are a classic summer hanging plant, and for good reason. They come in a wide variety of colors, and they're easy to care for. Image of Petunias summer hanging plants
  • Begonias: Begonias are another popular choice for summer hanging plants. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, and they're also relatively easy to care for. Image of Begonias summer hanging plants
  • Draperas: Draperas are a type of trailing plant that's perfect for hanging baskets. They have long, cascading leaves that add a touch of elegance to any space. Image of Draperas summer hanging plants
  • Mandevilla: Mandevilla is a tropical vine that produces stunning, trumpet-shaped flowers. It's a bit more challenging to care for than some other hanging plants, but it's well worth the effort. Image of Mandevilla summer hanging plants
  • Surfinia: Surfinia is a type of petunia that's known for its cascading blooms. It's a great choice for hanging baskets that get a lot of sun. Image of Surfinia summer hanging plants

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